Introduction to Accessibility

Todays Outline

Disability, what is it?

Accessibility, what is it?

How: do we bridge the gap between achieving a task with the tools that we have in the environment that we are in?

Web Accessibility

Developers on the web have a responsibility and an opportunity to create accessible content.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)



Air Canada

What Can I Do?

A few of many accessibility tips and examples you can use:

What Can I Do?

What Can I Do?

What Can I Do?

What Can I Do?

What Can I Do?


What Can I Do?

Structure and Semantics:

What Can I Do?

If your HTML is valid - GOOD

If you follow WCAG guidelines - AMAZING

What About More Complicated Web Application?

ARIA Roles

Indicate the type of the element. Provides the semantics.

ARIA Roles

Indicate the type of the element. Provides the semantics.

ARIA Roles

Indicate the type of the element. Provides the semantics.

ARIA States and Properties

Provide specific Information about an object.

ARIA States and Properties

Provide specific Information about an object.

ARIA States and Properties

Provide specific Information about an object.



Contrast Checker

Firefox Add-Ons

WAVE Toolbar

Accessibility Evaluation Toolbar

Dom Inspector

Screen Reader Simulator

Chrome Extensions

Accessibility Developer Tools


Thank You

Yura Zenevich


IRC: yzen

Twitter: yura_zen
